Tracking Experiments on Tongji Univ. Jiading Campus

Online Visual Object Tracking for UAV in Dynamic Environments

Tracking Experiments on Tongji Univ. Jiading Campus

Online Visual Object Tracking for UAV in Dynamic Environments

Undergraduate Research Assistant since Sep. 2018

Table of Contents


Investigated correlation filter (CF)-based visual object tracking for unmanned aerial vehicles. By applying machine learning & deep learning techniques, we have improved the existing trackers on overall tracking performance in challenging scenarios with real-time operational capability.

Papers with code

Related work has been published in journals and conferences as follows:

  1. Proposed a lightweight and generalizable triple attention strategy on CF-based framework by exploiting mutual independence of the appearance model and feature responses to implement real-time tracking for UAV.

    🚩 Towards Robust Visual Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Tri-Attentional Correlation Filters in IROS 2020

  2. Employed the adaptive GMSD-based context analysis and dynamic weighted filters for utilizing both contextual and historical information, and leveraged lightweight convolution features to efficiently raise the tracking robustness.

    🚩 Robust Multi-Kernelized Correlators for UAV Tracking with Adaptive Context Analysis and Dynamic Weighted Filters in Neural Computing and Applications

  3. Exploited the inter-frame information between prediction and backtracking phases for further incorporating the bidirectional incongruity error into the CF learning.

    🚩 BiCF: Learning Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filter for Efficient UAV Object Tracking in ICRA 2020

For more info, please refer to my YouTube channel and GitHub.