Unmanned aerial vehicles

Learning Temporary Block-Based Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filters for Efficient UAV Object Tracking

In the field of UAV object tracking, correlation filter based approaches have received lots of attention due to their computational efficiency. The methods learn filters by the ridge regression and generate response maps to distinguish the specified …

Towards Robust Visual Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Tri-Attentional Correlation Filters

Object tracking has been broadly applied in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tasks in recent years. However, existing algorithms still face difficulties such as partial occlusion, clutter background, and other challenging visual factors. Inspired by the …

BiCF: Learning Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filter for Efficient UAV Object Tracking

Correlation filters have shown excellent performance in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking scenarios due to their high computational efficiency. During the UAV tracking process, viewpoint variations are usually accompanied by changes in the object …

Robust Multi-Kernelized Correlators for UAV Tracking with Adaptive Context Analysis and Dynamic Weighted Filters

In recent years, the correlation filter (CF)-based method has significantly advanced in the tracking for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). As the core component of most trackers, CF is a discriminative classifier to distinguish the object from the …

Sample Purification-Aware Correlation Filters for UAV Tracking with Cooperative Deep Features

Correlation Filters (CF) have recently demonstrated promising performance in terms of rapidly tracking objects for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in different types of UAV tracking tasks. The strength of the approach comes from its ability to learn …